Monday 14 April 2008

Catching up

Life has been extraordinarily hectic, stressful almost beyond endurance at times, and fleetingly beautiful over the past three weeks or so. Here begins a few of the highlights.

Every Australian Boy Needs a Shed?

That is the title of an otherwise forgettable song by Australian band Stampede (there Mary, you thought I'd forgotten!), and put me in mind of a long-held belief, way before Boggy Marsh's fleeting fame, that the true currency of life is sheds. I simply love sheds. This is hardly unusual, pretty much every bloke I know loves sheds, but the real reason that this subject has reared its head is that I have managed to secure tenure of what I can only brag about as being the quintessential foxtrot oscar shed. The sort of shed where I can not only work on my beloved boats, but also rig them! Yes, I can get the effing mast up inside this monster! It features a mezzanine floor, a storeroom, acres of space, natural light, surround strip lighting, three-phase electricity and a disgustingly dirty shithouse.

Needless to say I have expanded to fill the available space already, but the anticipation of driving to Holland this Thursday (unbeknownst of the present Mrs D - she doesn't grace these pages - I don't think?!) to view the mother of all sports boats, Zest, Yachting World Diamond No 1, the first planing keelboat in the history of the world is made all the more enjoyable if terms can be reached, in the knowledge that I can just about squeeze her in me new shed too!


Pippa King said...

Before you clutter up the space with a boat it seems to me that if you add a few fairy lights, barrels of beer and some muscians it could be a good place for a ceilidh! Acoustics look great.

It was good fun at the Welly last month, lurching from G maj to A maj without much notice was fun to keep up with :)

Greg Dunn said...

Hey, what a terrific idea! Let's have a midsummer ball there. Do you need a fundraiser for your biometrics campaign?

Aye, the craic was excellent that night. I had one of the richest men in Italy in tow, and he thought it was delightful. So much so that he flooged us some nice cheap organic molasses on the back of a good night out.

Pippa King said...

A midsumer ball sounds great fun! -but there are far better causes than the one I spout about.

Glad you're enjoying life entertaining and sampling molasses.

Dr.Case should be aware of 'calling the kettle black' before using words like sesquipedalian :)

Could this be a word that he might want to apply to his violin playing...?

Certainly him and Sam P took it at a pace at Rowley Manor and did it very well too. Very enjoyable it was to watch!

Anonymous said...

Its got a really high door, you could make a special club for tall people, charge them a few quid to get in etc, could be a good business.